You Must Be 55 or Older to Ride this Ride

Today I was confronted with a moral dilemma. I was sitting in the front of a packed bus, minding my own business, trying to go to work like a good girl, when I look up and see...her. Her, was a strangely ageless woman. She could have been a bad 45 or a good 65, I couldn't tell. But either way she posed a problem for me. Should I offer this sort of old looking woman my seat? I took a look around, no men in sight to do the deed. I turned to the girl next to me, her eyes were closed (I know she was faking it, no one can sleep on a CTA) I looked at the woman, she looked sturdy, like she came from good stock, so I decided not to get my butt up. But for the next 35 minutes I sat there, uncomfortable, because something just didn't feel right. When the bus started to clear out, Grandma finally got to take a seat. Upon further inspection, she was old...real old. Just another reason for me to go to hell in about 60 more years. And just in case you are wondering, yes, my mother raised me better than that.
Lesson of the day: Old people on buses are a major inconvenience for all.
If the old bqg wants a seat let her ask for a seat. Chivalry isn't dead, but when you don't have all the facts how can you act accordingly. And not knowing if she really was old is not having all the facts. Just like those ladies where you can't tell if they are just fat or if they are actually pregnant. So, if you didn't offer cuz you couldn't determine her status as a senior and she didn't ask, then no harm no foul.
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