Loser Magnetism, Part 1: The Cosby Sweater

Miss Misc and I are going to have a series of posts called "Loser Magnetism." This is a special kind of miscellaneousness that plagues both Miss Misc and me on a regular basis. It happens so often that it makes us wonder if we have some sort of magnet implanted in our bodies that attracts the most losery of the miscellaneours.
One such miscellaneour is The Cosby Sweater. Now, the Cosby Sweater is not foreign to me, as I'm sure it isn't to you. I used to see the sweater on Mr. Cosby himself all the time when I watched The Cosby Show as a kid. I saw it on the crazy Amazing Discoveries infomercial host. I've seen it in pictures on the Internet (see Exhibit A above). But the fact of the matter is, nothing ever truly prepares you for the sheer buhness of seeing The Cosby Sweater in person.
However, it's not really even the sweater itself that's so terrible. It's the fact that the man who made the conscious decision to don this atrocity and take himself out in public hits on you because he truly believes he has a fighting chance at a date - or at least a hook-up.
So to you, Mr. Cosby Sweater, I quote the hilarious words of Jack Black from the movie High Fidelity: "That's the worst fuckin' sweater I've ever seen. That's a Cosby sweater. A Coooossssbbbyyyyy Sweater!"
Take that shit off, man. Just take it off.
Lesson of the day: The man doesn't make The Cosby Sweater. The Cosby Sweater makes the man...a douchebag.
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