This Shit Doesn't Happen in the "Real World"
Buhster here again...
I was a public relations major in college, which for my parents translated to, "I have no idea what the hell that means so I'll just tell everyone that she switches majors a lot."
Anyway, I really enjoyed my major because it was interesting, and I was pretty good at it. However, there was one piece of miscellaneousness that was so dorito it haunted me long after I graduated - and that piece of miscellaneousness was group work.
All of my professors told us the reason why we needed to have group projects was because in the "real world," we'd have to work in teams all the time.
What these fools failed to realize is that the bubble that is college does not and cannot re-create the "real world" working environment.
Sadly, the group work miscellaneousness has managed to find me again. I recently started taking grad school classes and have been experiencing the buhness that goes along trying to complete a project with four miscellaneours who commit the following violations:
- Are wholly disinterested in school
- Have no background whatsoever in the grad school program they've chosen
- Decide to disappear and not answer e-mails or phone calls
- Show up to meetings late or not at all
What I don't understand is why these fools decided to go to grad school. It's not like it's mandatory.
Lesson of the Day for Classmate Miscellaneours: Keep your triflin ass at home if you don't want to be in school. Your lazy ass is a burden to the rest of us.
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