Monday, November 13, 2006

Say My Name, Bitch

A post by deerylou, contributing blogger

*names have been changed in the following story...

my name is kari. usually the name kari is spelled
"carrie," but mine is not.

i work with a man named konrad. usually the name konrad is spelled "conrad," but his is not.

i emailed him friday with a quick question and he emailed me back today. he addressed me in his email as "carrie," even though my email address is clear in my name's spelling. not a big deal to me, though.

so i typed up a quick reply thanking him and hit send. i then realized that spell check had changed his name to "conrad" and i wasn't thinking and clicked "okay" and sent it as such.

i then realized how entirely passive-agressive that looked. like "FINE, spell my name wrong, SPELL IT WITH A C AND NOT A K, and i'll do the same, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!" - which was not my intention at all.

i did manage to "recall" the message. i kinda wanted to just leave it as it was, though.


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