Asshole of the Day

Dear Asshole,
I don't have a camera strapped around my neck, and I'm not wearing Bermuda shorts. In fact, I'm in business casual attire coming from an office building in the loop. Do I look like a goddamn tourist to you?
I didn't think so. So why would you try to take me on the longest route home and then yell at me when I try to correct you? Do you honestly think I'm going to tip you after that?
Suplise! I speak-a de Engrish, Asshole, and I'm a local. No tip for you.
Buh to you,
Hahaha, oh my. I would like to start a petition to not even tip cab drivers. I can't count the number of times they've just popped the trunk and not even budged to help me with my 50lb suitcase. Why do we tip? Because they used their turn signals? Cause they buckled up? Hell naw. Stop the madness.
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