Guess What? Today is Assholes Don't Go to Work Day

Everyday I drag my ass to a job that I pretty much don’t want to be at. I sit for 8 hours in front of a computer and watch as my Outlook box fills with spam that scoffs at the bootleg 2nd hand software we bought to block it. I take the bus home with a bunch of miscellaneours. I sit down, open my bills, exclaim “f*!# you” to Discover Card for duping me once again (Discover Card billing department = 5 points, Miss Misc = -50) and pour myself a glass of lactose free milk to calm my nerves.
I guess you could say that my money is always funny because being a member of the Department of Miscellaneousness doesn’t pay. So imagine my surprise when I left for lunch today and discovered that most people don’t have to work. Apparently there’s a money tree somewhere in Chicago that I have yet to find. I ain’t never seen so manly assholes chillin in the middle of the day without a care in the world. They’re everywhere! Shucking and jiving and shopping at the American Girl store like it’s already the day after Thanksgiving. I just don’t get it. Did I miss the memo that said adults don’t need to pull an income to pay their bills? Shit, maybe it got lost in my inbox.
Proof that miscellaneousness exists: I did the Asshole of the Day post today and Miss Misc did this post that I'm commenting on. We went to lunch separately yet had the exact same miscellaneour encounter. Coincidence? I think not.
P.S. According to Miss Misc, the photo's caption should read: "Assholes frolicking in the water"
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