Loser Magnetism, Part II - The Staring Miscellaneour
Buh-Buh-Buh-Buhster back at ya...
Part II of Loser Magnetism is devoted to the Staring Miscellaneour. You know, that jackass who blatantly stares at you with no shame.
What are you looking at, Miscellaneour?
I've tried staring back. I've tried asking a lame question like, "What? Do I have a boogey?" My sister goes the "Take a picture, asshole, it lasts longer" route. Somehow, none of these miscellaneours seems to be phased by any of it.
And it's not just men ogling women. I've had Female Staring Miscellaneours too. There's this one chick who -- every time we see each other -- first looks at me in the eye but then stares down at my shirt. What the bloody hell are you looking at?

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