Miscellaneour Alert
Buh-Buh-Buh-Buhster back at ya...
For about two minutes on Sunday afternoon, I seriously considered getting my tubes tied. Seriously. I was stuck in a train car with a bunch of miscellaneous kids who were running around like it was a damn McDonald's jungle gym.
And then it occurred to me...it's not the kids' faults that they're such little punks. It's the parents' fault.
Back when I was a young Buhster, running around like wild animals with no regard for other people's space or property was absolutely unheard of. And you want to know why? It's because Mama Buhster didn't put up with any of that bullshit. The woman worked two jobs and managed to raise four children who behaved like human beings - we knew how to have fun but weren't assholes around strangers or in public.

The worst part about it was that the lazy parent miscellaneours were not only lazy, they were subservient. Who cares where Timmy wants to sit? Timmy will sit where Timmy is told to sit. This isn't a Burger King - you can't have it your way.
Oh you wanna talk about teaching your kids to behave? Big Mama Misc didnt put up with no crap. I dared to defy her once, didnt want to brush my teeth...I saw stars that night. Now I brush and floss the right way every single night. And I got some pretty pearly whites. So the beatdown I received really had my best interests at heart.
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