Tuesday, February 27, 2007

People Who Should Keep Gum in Their Pocket

Confession: I can't see shit without my glasses, once those babies are off I can barely navigate my apartment. Today, I finally decided to heed the reminder card that my optometrist sent me (at least 6 months ago) and take my ass in for my eye exam. I sat in the chair, a bit disgruntled after having a puff of air hit me in the pupil and burning eye drops that are supposed to somehow help the process. As my doc shined a bright ass light in my eye, my nostrils caught a bit of unpleasantness. What...why what on Earth is that decidedly undelightful odor?

Oh hell to the naw! You can't be 2 inches from people's faces all day long and not be conscious of your breath. Isn't that some kind of health code violation?
Sigh, I was inspired to make a list of people who shouldn't, no who can not have stank breath on the job.

This list is not all inclusive. Feel free to add on.

Eye Brow Waxers/Threaders
All men between the ages of 15-55
Homeless people
ANYONE who wants to get up in your face and have a conversation


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