Misctery Theater Presents...

Can't write a simple letter? Don't know how to use the Microsoft Office suite? Can't manage to return phone calls in a professional and timely manner? Don't worry! You'll get a "promotion" to a new position that didn't previously exist - AND it'll be a prestigious title like "director" or "manager."
It continues to be a mystery to Miss Misc and me as to why employers shift bad employees rather than firing them. Their passive aggressiveness makes our jobs even harder and more frustrating than they already are.
Therefore, I would like to put a request for information out there in cyberland...
Calling all lawyers, HR professionals and executives: Why is it so hard to fire incompetent employees? Is there that much of a risk of a lawsuit? Does your lack of productivity from these fools really cost less than a potential lawsuit? And really, if they're that shitty, do you really think they have grounds to sue or are you just too lazy/wussy to do anything about it?
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