Buh Bye to Buhster
A case study on how to thwart miscellaneousness
Much like me, Buhster was often assailed with miscellaneousness. The kind that made her scowl at her computer screen from 8:30am to 5 pm. But being quite smart, she figured out the most effective way to thwart miscellaneousness. How do you do this? Well you start at the source: the miscellaneours. Getting rid of them is sure to get rid of the accompanying buhness. Buhster completed this task in an ingenious matter, her ass bounced. That’s right folks, she threw up the peace sign and quit. Sigh, why didn’t I think of that? So let’s please observe a moment of silence for my departed homey. May the buh not be with you.
Much like me, Buhster was often assailed with miscellaneousness. The kind that made her scowl at her computer screen from 8:30am to 5 pm. But being quite smart, she figured out the most effective way to thwart miscellaneousness. How do you do this? Well you start at the source: the miscellaneours. Getting rid of them is sure to get rid of the accompanying buhness. Buhster completed this task in an ingenious matter, her ass bounced. That’s right folks, she threw up the peace sign and quit. Sigh, why didn’t I think of that? So let’s please observe a moment of silence for my departed homey. May the buh not be with you.
I may have thwarted work miscellaneousness, but I still have to take the CTA so I'm sure I will have other stories to tell.
Miss Misc + Buhster 4 Eva.
Shoot! So jealous. At least you won't get caught in that reflection anymore.
Happy trails to you....
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