You've Got to See it to Believe it

It has been an eventful few weeks for Miss Misc and I've delighted in witnessing the following events:
A vending machine in the Minnesota airport...a Proactive Solution vending machine. Just in case you left your acne medication at home, just insert a $20 bill and you're all set.
A crazy man on Michigan Ave...who happens to own and operate a thriving deli on prime real estate. Please tell me why he was rollerblading, using ski poles to propel him forward, along the Magnificent Mile? He didn't let red lights and crowds deter him. He tapped his ski pole so that people would think he was blind and move out of the way.
The Nazi Crossing Guard: Aren't crossing guards supposed to prevent accidents caused by careless drivers and pedestrians? Well not my crossing guard. He delights in the rush he gets from throwing his hand up to stop traffic and blowing his shiny whistle whenever he pleases. He almost caused a major traffic accident and got a little girl hit the other day. Thanks City of Chicago for sending one of your finest out to protect me.
please tell me that you saw eppy rollerblading. that dude is nuts. his food is soooo good, but sometimes i just can't bring myself to dealing with him (so i go to subway instead).
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