Things that make you go hmmm....

Folks, the day isn't even half-over but miscellaneousness abounds for Miss Misc:
1. How in the hell do you justify charging .45 for a .39 stamp? (Currency Exchange!!) Are you going to lick the stamp for me? No? Well then in that case give me back my damn .06 you asshole.
2. Is it wrong to yank my coattail out from under the fat ass who just sat next to me on the bus?
3. If I refuse to be a stairwell monitor for my company's fire drill because we have too many old people to escort out in case a fire breaks out, does that make me the "Asshole of the Day?" I say they've lived a lot more life than me so why risk it?
4. Can I "throw" my volleyball playoff game tonight cause I just don't feel like playing for hours and hours? So what if we've worked for this all season...I'm sleepy.
5. If I volunteer at a food kitchen on Thanksgiving but refuse to eat the shit they're serving, does that cancel out my good deed? Must I do as the natives do? I say let them eat cake...while I eat my tirimisu.
1. stay away from currency exchanges. they are like rent-a-centers - they rip off poor people.
2. not at all.
3. ibid.
4. you're going to "throw" it? like there is actual money riding on this? like EIGHT MEN OUT?
5. this is less a moral dilemmia and more a braggy shout-out to the fact that you're soupkitchening it for thanksgiving. ooooooh, someone's better than me!
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