Asshole of the Day: ME!

I've been waiting for the opportunity to nominate myself for Asshole of the Day, but there's just so many assholes that I run into on a daily basis, that I hesitated to steal such a coveted spot. Well, I am officially nominating myself. I'm usually tolerant, incredibly tolerant, especially about shit that people can't help. Well I am about to lose it...on a girl with Tourette's Syndrome. I know, I know, it's not her fault, God and some fucked up chromosomes made her that way.
But I can't even cry in my office in peace for 20 minutes without her's a screech, very much like that of a bird. It's like having a fucking bald eagle two doors down from me. But if I tell her to shut the fuck up, then it's not PC?
If I were screeching like a banshee every 20 minutes someone would tell me to shut the fuck up, so what's up with the double standard?
I will keep ya'll posted on this situation...and if I lose my job over it.
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