Mo Money, Mo Problems

What comes between five and seven? Six, and that's the average time I've been leaving the new job. My "supervisor," and I use that term loosely, has been MIA since my first day so my ass has been on my own. Today, in my overzealousness, I went around asking folks if they needed help. Eight hours later, I asked myself why in the world I asked that stupid ass question cause the answer will always be yes. So, it's day 3 and I'm busy. But I must say it's "contained miscellaneousness." Everything has something to do with my job description. Though I fled at 6:45pm today, I was content. I'm even going in early tomorrow, cause that's what you do when you don't absolutely hate your job and when the work you do actually has a purpose.
Other cool shit I've been doing:
Calling Germany to track down a media list, bitch answered the phone in German and I'm like "Habla Espanol. Mi casa es Chicago...u speak English lady?"
Joining one of the company's two volleyball teams: ain't no old folks in this place.
Getting my corporate American Express card, cha-ching
Pricing a full-page, full color magazine add, cause...shit we can afford it
Thinking of ways to spend our $2million dollar budget for 2007
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