Non Asshole of the Day

My Grammy:
My family is huge, I have 12 aunts and uncles on my mom's side alone and I have no idea how many cousins...too many cause my uncles can't seem to wrap it up. Anyways, it always amazes me that my Grandma remembers everyone's bday. I opened her card today and out falls five dollar bills and an IOU. It's about the best present I've ever gotten. I don't know they last time she had a paying job (she's in her 70s), but I can just imagine her pulling some money out of her bra and stuffing it into the envelope. Awwwww.
Happy birfday, Miss Misc! To another year filled with the laughter and joy of identifying the assholes of the world. Because it takes one to know one. And luckily, there are two of us.
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