Asshole of the Day As Chosen By Phukker

All of Us
This is sad.
We want the day to be over and it just started. Remember hating that the street lights went on, cause that was the beginning of the end. Now at the beginning we wish for the day to just end, to get all of the drudgery over with, so we can really get on with our lives. What happened to those kids who couldn't wait for the sun to rise, who had a great time hanging out on neighborhood stoops, jumping rope, playing house, hide and go seek, freeze tag? All day long, even when we didn't have anything to do we still didn't want it to just end. We did want to be big though, so we could do what we wanted to do, go where we wanted to go, and stay out past those street lights going on. Now that we are big, we don't care about playing, discovering and just hanging out. We want to get inside before those orbs light the street, to get ready for another day of let's just get this over with. So we are the assholes of the day, for forgetting, and letting all of the miscellaneous get us down.
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