Asshole of the Day

PR Professors
Chosen by Buhster again...
Why didn't you warn us? Where were the big red flags? Why didn't you tell us it'd be like...this? Sure, we knew our jobs wouldn't be easy and that every career comes with its ups and its downs. But does every job come with this amount of ass-kissing? With this amount of ball-less-ness of our superiors? With this amount of churn and burn with no regard to logic or good strategy?
Miss Misc and I are currently in a career crisis. So please...tell us...does anybody out there actually like their job? Does anybody out there actually believe in what they're doing and believe that it truly makes a difference? People always say that your job shouldn't be everything, but the fact remains that we spend the vast majority of our time each week at work. So what do you do when you realize the career you've chosen for yourself...the one you've spent thousands upon thousands of dollars getting a degree pure crap?
Miscellaneousness abounds. And it just landed on my head and took a big shit.
but i like that i have job security, make enough money to have fun, have enough autonomy at work that as long as i get my work done i can listen to music and email and read the internets, and i dont hate my coworkers (err, the ones i deal with on an every-day basis). i am at a point right now where it's okay that i dont derive much personal satisfaction out of my job, because it affords me the ability to have a nice life outside of the office.
i have had jobs i loved and jobs i hated. this one is okay. it's not worth it to stay in a job you hate.
it ends up ruining your personal life, too, seeping in at the edges and making you miserable.
just remind yourself that at least you're not a traffic cop or working at wal-mart.
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