Asshole of the Day

Stank Guy
There has been an obvious disconnect between you and your soap because there is no way that lather has touched that ass in at least 4-5 days. My nosehair is being singed and I'm starting to get a tummy ache from the fumes you are emitting. I feel like I'm standing in back of a Gremlin that is being started up for the first time in 10 years and kicking out exhaust.
Frankly it's unfair that you get to sit next to me and smell my various fragrances ( I work hard to match my body wash to my shampoo to my lotion) while I have to inhale your noxiousness. I would greatly appreciate it if you would hsaw ruoy ssa. (I thought that if I spelled it out for you backwards maybe you'd get the point)
This message also goes out to every woman who still thinks it's 1992 and therefore okay to wear White Diamonds. You smell like ass as well.
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