Query: Do Gay Men Flirt with Women?

As much as I chase men and lust after them, I can be quite oblivious to any overt attention I receive from one. For the last couple of months I've been chatting (in-person, not online, so you should be proud of me) with a guy who goes to my gym. I met him when I hired him as a physical trainer for my sister. He's really cute, we're almost the exact same age (less than 24 hours apart) and lord knows the things I could do to that body. But for once in my life, I'm not attracted to him, because...well ummm, I think he's gay. In fact, my gaydar beeps and flashes code red anytime he's in the vicinity.
But I can no longer ignore the fact that he's flirting with me. Today as I was sweating and complaining about my 24% body fat he kept telling me how cute I was. Coming from any other man I would have taken that as a marriage proposal, but from him it rolled right off. So query me this: Do gay men tease straight women? Do they want to see if they could get some of the vajayjay despite their sexual orientation? Should I be flirting back? And most importantly...could my gaydar need some fine-tuning?
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