The Cavemen had it Right

After several electronic breakdowns this weekend, I have surmised that this supposed "age of technology" is a bunch of bullshit. I had far less trouble when we used rotary phones, when written correspondence required a $0.23 stamp and when cable consisted of HBO, Showtime or Starz.
But we had to go and get fancy with it, we want to be able to carry our phones in our pockets and take pictures with them. We need instantaneous communication with our friends, and God forbid you take away our 100 channels when we really only watch 3 of them anyways.
Friday night I found myself utterly helpless as I had a barely intelligible conversation with the Comcast guy trying to arrange a repairman for my internet and cable that werent working. This was made very difficult by the fact that my cell phone doesnt really work in my apartment. As I woke up at 830am on Saturday morning to let the cable guy in I cursed humanity and my dependence on all this electronic crap. Now it's Sunday and dagnabbit after two trips to the Sprint store I still find myself with a piece of shit phone that doesnt work and a brand new 2-year contract. I'm about to get rid of it all and save myself $200 a month. To all my friends who need to holla, shit, you know where to find me.
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