Sunday, December 09, 2007

Query: Heeled Snow Boots? Fashion Forward or Oxymoron? You be da judge.

I ain't gonna hate on the girl, she was cute with her short coat, fitted jeans and ...heeled snow boots? This gave me pause...I mean, yes they completed the outfit and I'm sure her feet and calves were toasty. But won't putting 3inch heels on snow boots (meant to stabilize you on slippery surfaces) totally eliminate their original purpose?

Was she committing a fashion faux pas? What designer figured out that women are so vain that we would actually try to still look cute in freezing temperatures and treacherous conditions? My initial reaction was to nominate her as our special "Asshole, Winter 2007" but did she really do anything wrong?

As I looked down at my clunky $20 boots irreparably damaged from trudging through salt and not being washed off, I was wondering if I should invest in more fashionable snow boots myself.

This query must be solved my friends! please post your votes:

Don't bust yo ass
Walk around with klass


At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't bust yo ass! when that chick goes down in a blaze of fashion glory, my ass won't be there to pick her up off the ground. i'll be the one standing there...pointing and laughing.

it's like that idiot i saw on the corner who was wearing nothing more than a t-shirt, a blazer and jeans in 27 degree chicago weather and had the nerve to shiver. you don't dress for the weather, you pay the price.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger sb said...

well, see now if she's cute then all the guys around her will help her up when she falls. it's one of many benefits to being cute and fashionable. now if she's fugly, she's out of luck and should know better than to wear boots with heels in this Chicago winter wonderland.
So my vote depends on the cuteness of said girl.

At 9:41 AM, Blogger BG said...

Walk around with class! While I must preface with an "it depends", I will make you aware that these heeled [snow] boots have recently become my absolute favorite footwear to see on women.

I prefer Pumas (or Diesels or Sketchers) to normal heels, and always have, but put some heels on boots, and we have a new champ. I myself found this puzzling a few weeks ago when I was suddenly and unprecedentedly attracted to heels. But I still find open-top "pumps", as they were referred to in the eighties, to be necessary business or formal attire, at best, and often tacky.

I'm going to stop reading this blog is this poor girl earns herself an "asshole" award for wearing the type of outfit that always brightens my day on Vienna's equivalent of the CTA.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger BG said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in my previous sage comment that we should never call people minding their own heel-wearing business assholes. Buhster is correct in pointing out that helping said fashionista off of the ground in the event of a fall is beyond the call of duty, but until that fall happens, and especially if someone receives a heel to the shin as boots fly up in the air, all we can do is watch and marvel.


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