For just 20 cents a day, you too can adopt a 27-year old

Today I had to wake my ass up an hour early and hike it to downtown to go to a meeting for my job. It wasn't until I was settled in next to the sound guy with an unfortunate case of Tourette's paired with a bad head cold(how I attract these folks, I don't know) that I realized one crucial difference between me and most of the of the folks in the room: I wasn't a millionaire.
As I read through the bios I started to calculate the net worth of those in the room and stopped counting cause it was rather depressing. These people could buy me, my family and yours with their pocket money. I'm talking CEOs, Presidents...I mean, I was sitting eating Tootsie Rolls courtesy of the President of Tootise Roll who was sitting across from me. Sigh...why don't they have adult adoption? I mean, if one of these fools would adopt me, I swear I'd be a better person! I'd even call them mommy and daddy if they insisted, no shame in my game. Where is my Madonna?
I dare not complain today, seeing as how I had free breakfast, lunch and took home a vase of pretty roses. I even got the afternoon off for all my hard work (hey using a copy machine is hard work.)
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