Let's Try This One More Time

Well, here I am again...unemployed. Not an ideal situation for a single gal who is not independently wealthy, but I'm not sweating it. "The Crazy" I attracted this time was too much to handle, so I bounced, besides I was still a temp anyways.
I personally think I am wise beyond my years and have figured out something that most people discover in their late 50s and 60s: I ain't gotta do shit I don't wanna do and I ain't gotta take no shit off nobody. Therefore, I will either a) discover my dream job; or b) win the lottery.
If I start posting pictures of myself in a bikini, it's the latter.
Later haters!
P.S. I woke up at 9:30 this morning and proceeded to lounge at the Dunkin Donuts, what were you doing?
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