More than Words Can Say

Somehow I am still working my "temporary" assignment six months later. And somehow I have once again attracted a crazy ass boss. She is so buh, that I cannot properly explain it in words (hence the picture of Extreme to the right, yeah, i didn't know the name of the group either but the song was hot.) You must witness the craziness first-hand. But allow me to create a mental image:
Mom jeans
A pooch that is both scary and fascinating
80's perm
Strange 80's dresses with belts that clasp in the back instead of the front
Chain smoking
Large eyeglasses
A habit of wearing the same shit two days in a row
Divorcee' and damn bitter about it
Oh, and last but not least, utterly useless, incompetent and argumentative. I have worked for many an asshole, but in their defense, they all somewhat knew how to do their jobs . This lady is just coasting along until someone notices that the lights are off cause the bill hasn't been paid and the staff has quit. I may have to start shaking my ass for money cause I'm not sure how much longer I'll last under these conditions.
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