"Anything goes when it comes to hoes because pimpin ain't easy"....Big Daddy Kane

So the other reason I haven't been posting is because I've been getting my groove back. It's amazing what a weave and a couple of crunches can do for a girls social life. The other day I actually had two dates (one for lunch, one for drinks.)
And as I sat in a black Lexus with leather interior, I thought "now this is the lifestyle that da Miss Misc" can become accustomed to.
Now this recent success was not instant. I kissed a couple of frogs to get to this point. Allow me to entertain you with my exploits. Real names have been adjusted to protect the identities of the triflin mofos that have been asking me out:
Mr. Can I get some ass with that backyard burger: This dude took me out for drinks, I got a burger, and that apparently must be code for free ass. Before date #2 he was already inviting himself to sit on my couch while I rubbed his back. Ummm, excuse me, but the last time I checked dating required an actual date.
Mr. Crush Gone Wrong: This guy should have been the father of my children. I had a huge crush on him and finally got the nerve up to say hi, which of course led to him getting the digits. But before we made it to conversation #2 and a real date, he was texting me, TEXTING, talking about he wanted to get some. God damn, what happened to getting me drunk first? I am a lady.
Mr. Why didn't we have that second date: After a year, some guy I went out with once then promptly dodged, decided that it was okay to ask me out again cause he figured my number was already in his phone (thank god I've changed it). After informing me that we should go out again, he then proceeded to ask me my name. Hold up you asshole, you wanna go out again, you've kept my number for a year, you're chatting me up, but you don't know my name?? Gets to stepping please.
Now there are a couple of good prospects on the horizon, but I won't mention them on here until they do something to piss me off. I'll keep ya'll posted.
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