A Buhster Birfday

today's my birfday, and miss misc asked that i do a special birfday post. so, i thought i'd tell you a little bit about buhster birfdays.
i don't typically make a big deal out of my birfdays. why? well, because the two birfdays i can remember ever making any sort of deal out of, some sort of miscellaneousness went down.
my 14th birfday: got shat on by a bird. smack on my shoulder.
my 21st birfday: spent the evening on the floor of my buddy's bathroom sick as a dog and begging for burnt toast (sure, sounds about right for most 21st birfdays, but i was down by about 9 p.m.).
so usually i like the day to come and go with nothing really out of the ordinary. i get really nice cards and money from family and calls from friends. i'll generally treat myself to some sort of tasty meal. this low-key no-nonsense sort of thing works for me.
however, for some reason, i thought i should treat myself to something nice this year. i've been working pretty hard at yet another misc-filled establishment, and i've got one year left of grad school. so i decided to work a half day and then schedule a massage.
and that's where the dorito started raining down on me.
i lost track of time and left a little too late to take a bus to my massage appointment so i hopped in a cab. what should have been a 5 minute ride doubled in time. why? well, after the cabbie took a terrible route and then turned in the wrong direction, i decided to say something, and here's the conversation:
me: umm...you realize lincoln is the other way, right?
angry cabbie: i know where i'm going. i'm a cab driver. i know where i'm going.
me: ok, well, i'm just wondering why you would be driving AWAY from my destination.
angry cabbie: you want me to sit in that traffic? i'm avoiding traffic. i'm a cab driver. i know.
me, trying to avoid turning into asshole buhster: well, sir, you could have just said that instead of taking a really rude tone with me.
angry cabbie: you know what i was doing, but you ask anyway. i'm not taking a tone.
me, turning into asshole buhster: yes, yes you are taking a tone. and if i knew what you were doing, why the hell would i ask?
so we finally get to the place, and he only makes me pay $5 because he says, "ohhh, yeeeah, you were right. i thought you said clybourn."
so now, i'm all tense and annoyed and hoping that i can calm down enough to enjoy the massage.
well, that of course won't be happening because my masseuse smells like a fucking homeless person.
that's right. B.O. to the high fucking heavens. and of course, i had sprung for the extra long 90 minute session.
back in the day, miss misc started a list of people who cannot have stank breath on the job. today, i'd like to start a list of people who cannot have a general stank on the job, and a masseuse is at the top of that list.
there are approximately 8 hours left in the day and more planned birfday events. if i manage to make it through without getting puked/pissed/or spat on by some miscellaneour, i'll consider it a moderate success.
Damn and just when I thought you were home free....sigh. But youse know you are loved. Have a most excellent remainder of a birfsdays!
Oh my goodness, my general buhness must be rubbing off on you. And how does one let someone know they are stankity stank. Errr, did you leave a tip?
Dude, add on the fact that I was naked, and it was a near impossible situation.
So gross.
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