Buh Buh Back in Action

Let's start with the most important: Buhster threw up the deuces and moved her ass out of state. Yep, she abandoned me for the promise of a bigger check and sunshine, well okay, those are facts not promises, and if someone offered me a better gig, balmy weather and a backyard that wouldn't take 30 years to pay off, I would have eased myself on down the road too. So cheers to Buhster. Now I didn't say she escaped the misc, cause that shit sticks to you like the smell of Brut after some ugly guy hugs up on you at the club, but she can report on that herself.
As for me, well let's start with the good stuff. I found a boyfriend. An honest to God good guy who takes me to his mama's house and everything. And we met on eharmony! Snicker behind my back all you want, that 15-hour compatibility survey worked its magic.
I bought a house. It's not a shit hole, but let's just say every time I hear a loud noise I peek out the window to check for bodies on the ground. My area is "up and coming" (cough cough, gunshots!)
Work, you ask? ...sigh. Same ol shit ya'll. Different paygrade=different grade of assholes. After years of job hopping, me and Buhster finally figured out that we should have stayed our asses put with our decent salaries, only slightly annoying bosses, and views of the city. I guess if we could do it over again, we would, but ya live and ya learn.
Let's talk about what's next for Miss Misc. Well if you can't beat the assholes (which I can't, I promise you) you join them! That's right, I'm gonna be my own boss and start my own business. It's the only way I can retire by the time I'm 40. So watch out, the next time you post your resume online, trying to escape your current misc, you might get a reply from me. Muhahahahhahahaha
please hire me. please. please. i need out. nay nay needs a mommy who doesn't hate the vast majority of her day.
yes! les misc is back in action. i'm holding you to that goal of a new business because as soon as you get it going i will be applying to serve as your vp of asshole...er...customer service.
Oh my. I have heard your cries for help. I shall come to your rescue, as soon as I figure out where in the hell I put my red stapler.
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