Damn, New Year, Same ol' Shit

I think Buhster and Phukker would agree that the new year seemed to bring with it a lot of the same damn problems. Though it is only January 3, we each sat at work with our own set of problems and an ever growing list of why we hate our jobs. However, it wasn't until I went to the gym (in attempt to work off some stress) that I realized just how miserable I was.
Not one, but two men I've chatted with casually came up to me and asked how my job search was going. Both wanted me to cheer up and keep my head up. I mean damn ya'll, I literally don't know either of these guys' last names yet they know I'm job hunting like a fiend? I must have a stamp on my forehead that says "PLEASE SAVE ME FROM ASSHOLES." Would it be inappropriate to post my resume on the blog? Cause it has come to that.
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