My Life as A Non-Asshole: Day 1
Uhhhh, woah. Being a non-asshole seems to be paying off. Today I woke up cursing my bosses and promptly called in sick. This had been planned for over a week, as I had lined up two job interviews and planned to attend a career fair. For some strange reasons the stars decided to align. I went to the fair and made a bunch of great contacts. I ran into a guy who I would holla at if he seriously weren't smaller than me in height and width. I decided to stick him in the "maybe one day" column and planned to meet (platonically) tomorrow.
I went to my first interview at a huge corporation and the guy loved me (gay men often do.) I'll know what's up with that next week.
I went to my second interview and they loved me too. While I was doing that I got a message from another company who wants me to come interview and has already been grilling my former colleague about me. According to her they're going to go after me.
I proceeded to flirt/grin at every man around and was promptly chased around by a homeless guy and a cook at Harold's Chicken.
Then lo and behold my booty call asked me to go out with him and pack my bags for a sleepover (ah hem.) Damn, if I'd known it'd be like this I would have turned my asshole card in a long time ago.
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