Your Quarterly Update

Well hello there! I know, I know, I've been treating readers like the children of a 40-year old woman recently remarried. Yes, I've in general been ignoring Les Misc. I guess I have a slight problem, I'm sorta happy with life, which absolutely does not make for good blogging. I like my job, have lots of friends, the only thing I can complain about is men! They are still worse than ever and behaving as if they were raised in the wild. Highlights include:
-The Cop who had 5 kids and dropped the f-bomb every other sentence
-The Austrailian Basketball player with a lisp
-The Foreign Guy who invited me over for chestnuts and coffee then asked when we were gonna make out
-The Fat PE Teacher who only liked to eat pasta, fried chicken and pizza
-The Guy from College who started every sentence with "well my mom thinks..."
-The Total Hottie from the club, sigh, so hot, yet such a dog
-And of course guest appearances by my college sweetheart, the Trainer and the Jamaican
I've decided to strap my chastity belt on extra tight until I stop attracting miscellaneours.