Asshole of the Day

"Do you need a ride?" Guy
Sigh, this one was tough to nominate since they usually have good intentions, but this public service announcement goes out to all the men who have offered me rides home in the past month and seem genuinely surprised when I keep on walking.
Let me break it down for you fellas:
-I don't know you. The name you just gave me could be an alias, possibly the stolen identity of the man's body you have in the trunk of your SUV (it's always an SUV.)
-Driving down the street slowly and yelling at me from the window is annoying and scary.
-You want me to get into your car and strap myself in with a strong piece of elastic meant to restrain me from being able to get out of the vehicle quickly.
-You want me to tell you where I live.
-You're usually not attractive either...not that it affects my decision to accept the ride...much