People I Hate

Let me tell ya, Kelis is brilliant cause she decided to make money off of the people she hates through song and lyric. I, on the other hand, choose to blog. Please note this is not a comprehensive list of everyone I hate, just the people I've hated in the last 30 minutes.
1. The new year's resolution women at the gym who have the nerve to hate on me. Listen ho, while I was in here sweating in Novemeber, your ass was raiding the office candy jar for leftover Halloween goodies. Now you want to come up in here walking on the treadmill (like that's going to do you any good) and giving me and my thighs the evil eye. Two words for you: YO FAULT
2. The "I'm going to stand here in front of three empty seats" guy on the bus. Dude, sit your little narrow ass down, that's what seats are for. (But don't sit next to me) And stop breathing on me, that's how Ebola gets spread around.
3. The girl who ran out of the house and forgot her coat. Don't you dare stand there with your red nose and shiver. What kind of asshole comes outside in 15 degree weather without a coat? You gets no sympathy from me.
4. The staring miscellaneour. Sigh, Buhster pretty much covered this topic but let me expand. Yes, I'm cute. Yeah...they're real. Sometimes I wish I could stare at me too, but what the hell is your problem? Because when people are engaging in a staring contest it's only proper manners to inform the other person involved.